Category: People Matter
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Girl Uses Hockey Stick to Strike Protesters
Boma Cookey-Gam
Jul 20, 2020
#Fail #Weird #News #Fights #Fight #Failure #Canada #Crazy #Attack #Attacking #Strange #Nail #Protest #Fails #Stick #ViralHog #Black Lives Matter #BLM #Bizarre #Strike #Failing #Manitoba #Hockey #Striking #Odd #Failed #Peaceful #Winnipeg #Nailed #2020 #Fights Between People
Londoner Interviews People Attending the London BLM March
Dont Mike
Jun 10, 2020
#Cool #News #Police #Trending #Speaks #UK #Cop #Awesome #Officer #Cops #People #Protest #ViralHog #Officers #Black Lives Matter #BLM #March #Change #Neat #London #Speaking #Protests #Peaceful #Speak #Asks #Hear #Hearing #Ask #Protesting #Hears #Voice #Marching #Marches #Marched #Interview #Interviews #Asked #Attend #Attends #Attended #Attending #Spoke #Heard #Asking #Interviewing #2020 #Protested #George Floyd #Voices #Voiced #Voicing #Interviewed #Londoner
Time-Lapse of Huge Houston Protest
Bobby stark
Jun 06, 2020
#Cool #Weird #News #Featured #USA #Walking #Texas #Crazy #Black #Walk #Walks #Strange #Awesome #People #Love #Protest #Houston #ViralHog #Black Lives Matter #BLM #Bizarre #March #Friendship #Neat #Odd #Together #Solidarity #Walked #Loving #United #Protesters #Time-lapse #Marching #Unite #Unity #Lives #2020 #Teammates #Matter #Walkers #Togetherness #Black Lives #People Matter #Love Each Other
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